The Homo sapiens unfeasible attempt of a “sin-less” society?

Alex De La Fuente
3 min readApr 20, 2021

Disclaimer: This essay is solely based in my partially informed opinion, built upon what i’ve read, listened and other personal experiences. I do not intend to follow a research paper format, nor include any references to other people’s work whatsoever. Take it with a grain of salt, as this opinion might evolve, or hopefully, age like fine wine in the future. I’m totally open to debate or other related works.

Humans vs nature? Not quite…

We, humans, tend to forget we’re part of nature. Somehow, consciousness, or perhaps or ego, leads us to think that we’re separated from nature, that we’re the universe’s (Or gods…) ultimate creation, the pinnacle of invention, or some kind of limited edition, super-intelligent apes.

As far as we know (excluding religious dogma) this is far from the truth. We, humans, are just another organism in nature’s playground. Just like a liver is part of our body, we’re part of nature, just that a liver is more significant to our body than we are to nature (or not?). In fact our bipedal, fragile, organic organ sacks, are mainly composed from the same building blocks as any other (living or non-living) structure in the universe; oxygen, carbon, and hydrogen.

The universe is chaotic, and so are we.

The universe has plenty of activity, constantly somewhere in it’s vastness, there’re supernova explosions, stars or galaxies colliding, black holes swallowing all neighboring matter, and not so distant from us, “cold-blooded” hienas brutally and mercilessly, devouring alive, defenseless, antelopes. It’s safe to say that the universe and life are chaos, violence and utter madness. Well, at least from our biased human perspective. From nature’s perspective universe and life just are, they’re perfect, whatever that means…

We’re slaves of our own nature

If you look closely, all around us, you can observe clear examples that prove we’re part of the universal chaos. Rape, murderers, drugs, war, a sex motivated society, decisions driven by our most primitive instincts and our failed attempt to control them. Top shows on Netflix are those that trigger this primal instincts and emotions; morbid, violence, murders. As pseudoscientific sources would state “It’s woven into our DNA”. Take a look at video games, same trend. And lets’ not exclude modern capitalism, companies hijack our instincts and emotions through marketing and propaganda to make us believe we need their products. We’re slaves of our own nature.

Will we defy nature?

Some of us dream of a future of equality, peace and love, a future where no one kills or sins. But, is this even feasible or are we fighting an endless battle? Will humans be able to achieve this future or are we striving towards a goal that’s way beyond our species ceiling? Will we be able to overcome our emotions and our most primitive instincts or are we Sisyphus, forever stuck rolling a boulder uphill? Will we be able to defy the nature of existence and the universe? And if we’re able to do so, will we even be human? Perhaps attempting to do so is another, chaotic, violent event from nature itself.

